RBM Internship 🎬
Dive Into the Art and Commerce of Content Creation.

Program Benefits
Internships can pave the way to job offers, giving participants a unique chance to prove their skills and fit within potential employment settings.
Internships can offer academic benefits, allowing students to earn school credits towards their degree, aligning practical experience with their academic journey.
Gain hands-on, real-world experience, working on actual projects that enhance your skills and industry knowledge.
Receive one-on-one training and support, tailored for your success and growth in every project role.
Building a Team
Dive into our "Building a Team" series, starting from the initial stages of an internship program. This series guides you through the formation of a robust and vibrant team, showcasing the creation and sustenance of a positive team atmosphere. It's a reflection on our origins and the engaging tales from earlier times, offering a valuable perspective on our growth and key achievements.

Career Technical Education
As a CTE connected company, we are proud to align with the Riverside County Office of Education's Career Technical Education (CTE) Unit. Our partnership with CTE means we are at the forefront of providing impactful work-based learning experiences, rooted in the latest industry demands and educational best practices. This collaboration ensures our internship programs not only enhance student achievement and readiness for the postsecondary workforce but also integrate seamlessly with high school CTE pathways, potentially offering college credit for our interns.